Here are the main tips which you have to know about jeHEP:
- To activate on-fly spelling for a particular language, copy
dictionaries to the directory "dic" of the main jeHEP directory
(where the jehep.jar file is located). Then go to menu "Tools"-"On-fly
spelling" and select active dictionary. To activate spelling, press
"Start spelling" button on the main menu. Note: English dictionary is already included
in jeHEP. Use double-click to replace a wrong word or to view alternative proposals
- Reload buttons for the File Browser and the Structure Viewer are
located directly on the tabs (small blue icons near the titles)
- For bookmarks, just click on the right panel. You should see a blue mark
there. You can click again on it to come back to a specific location.
- All preference files are locate in the $HOME/.jehep
directory. They are: the user dictionary file, JabRef preference files,
bshrc initialization file
- Note on BeanShell console
of jeHEP:
The jeHEP editor includes the BeanShell, so you can debug the program
using simple UNIX-like commands. Type test(); or help(); to get more help.
- Use the standard BeanShell commands: cat(); cd(); cp();
mv(); rm(); dir();
- You can call external commands as exec("command"); Alternatively, just use "!" in front
of the external command. For example, !make means exec("make");
- You can program any custom BeanShell command in the
window "Run-Setup". Use the environmental variables:
- [DIR] - current directory
- [FILE] - name of currently opened file
- [FILE_SHORT] - name of currently opened file without
path and the extension.
- Here is a typical example:
- !latex [FILE_SHORT] - will run latex on
currently opened file
- !dvips [FILE_SHORT] - run dvips
- !gv [FILE_SHORT] - run gv
You do not need to put ";" at the end of each line.
This will be done automatically!
Use unix-type commands, such as cd, mv, cp, rm, pwd, cat, echo.
To execute a BeanShell script, just type [name].bsh.
This will execute this script (i.e. you do not need to use the
standard BeanShell source command).
One can access all the information about the currently opened
document, as well as the jeHEP GUI frame, by using the classes:
textArea and view. In addition, SystemDir (the system directory),
DocName(the name of the last opened document directory), DocDir
(the directory of the last opened document directory ) can be used.
Check this by using: print(textArea), print(SystemDir) etc.
All methods can be found as: javap(textArea), print(view).
When you start jeHEP, it loads an initial macro
macro/system/sys.bsh, which defines the variables above.
The user can put macros to the macros/user directory. There
are already several macros in the system directory. For example,
one can replace a string with another string in the current text just
by calling replace(String1, String2); In fact, the macros should be
rather similar to jEdirt macros, as long as you are using the textArea class.